Human anatomy entails body organs and functions. The human body is a complex structure containing cells, tissues, organs, and bones that play a role in growth and development.
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Human anatomy entails body organs and functions. The human body is a complex structure containing cells, tissues, organs, and bones that play a role in growth and development.
Kinesiology is defined as the scientific study of human movement. It is also the study of body mechanics that provides room for movement to relay information regarding the health state of all other body systems and organs.
Pathology is a branch in medicine associated with the study of diseases via examination of surgically removed organs, body fluids, tissues, or in some instances, the whole body.
Every massage therapist is vested with the responsibility of promoting the wellbeing and welfare of their clients beyond their considerations.
What is the fee to take the MBLEx?
Your application fee of $195 will be processed upon submission of the application.
What type of paperwork from my school or other outside sources do I need to submit to take the MBLEx?
FSMTB requires all MBLEx applicants to request and ensure their massage therapy education program submits educational records directly to FSMTB. MBLEx applications are not complete for processing until educational records are received.
How fast does FSMTB process my application?
Please allow five (5) business days for FSMTB to process your completed MBLEx application. A completed application consists of the MBLEx application and your education records. Once your completed application is approved, FSMTB will email you an Authorization to Test (ATT) with instructions to schedule your examination.
What is the fee if I have to retake the MBLEx?
Should you need to retake the MBLEx, it will cost $195.
How will I be notified that I have been approved to take the MBLEx?
FSMTB will notify you via email by sending you an Authorization to Test (ATT). Read it carefully. You will have 90 days in which to take the test.
If I need to retest, how soon can I apply, and is there a limit to the number of times I can retake the MBLEx?
FSMTB allows candidates who have failed the MBLEx and candidates who were not permitted access to the MBLEx for any reason to retake the examination after thirty (30) days has elapsed from the previous examination appointment. You must reapply online or mail in the MBLEx application form and fee.
Additionally, the FSMTB does not limit the number of times a candidate may take the MBLEx. However, a state licensing board or agency might have such limitations in place. Check to see if your state licensing authority has a limit to the number of times a candidate may attempt to pass the MBLEx.
How long is the examination?
Candidates taking the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination have two (2) hours to complete a 100-item multiple-choice examination on a computer. Of this time, a maximum of five minutes is allotted to the security and confidentiality agreement and five minutes to a brief survey.
What identification do I need to take to the test center?
You must bring TWO forms of identification (ID) to the test site – the primary form of identification must include a photograph and signature and must not be expired. The secondary form of identification must include a signature and must not be expired or temporary; it may include a photograph but a photograph is not necessary. The same version of your name must appear on your application, the Authorization to Test (ATT), and on the identification, you present at the testing center. Temporary or renewal Drivers Licenses are not acceptable forms of ID.
When I pass the MBLEx can I start practicing massage and bodywork immediately?
No. Passing the MBLEx signifies that you have passed the licensing exam. This is only one component of licensure requirements.
MBLEx is a trademark of the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) that did not produce or endorse this material. 2025 — UGO Prep